Sitemap - 2017 - Kieron Gillen's Word Mail

049: I love maps.

048: whether to go Full Watchmen

047: Grouper mating involving the sharks

046: The Coming, Seeing, Conquering?

045: It wars the Empire.

044: International Consumerist Leviathans.

043: “It's a Witch.” “Thank you, Janet.” “Kill it."

042: Jamie had a lizard-brain

041: I deserve a Magnum Double Caramel

040: at the bottom of a mountain covered in buses and starting a bus-avalanche

039: you can’t do anything before you have a Frodo.

037: the Russian doll model of comics writing.

037: a kind of glowy black

036: Smart But Not As Smart As You Hope You Are

035: write your own happy ending

034: he should beat me up with his fists

033: what games journalists were like while hungover

032: be careful with unleashing your pithy aphorisms

031: the phrase “mucustard”

030: I'm sorry for your pain.

029: (Wow. What a lot of parentheticals.)

028: don't worry, it's not that, serious, etc.

027: that dimension is inside my chest.

026: an ominous meat-ball.

025: We Came. We Saw. We Command & Conquered.

024: A guillotine rather than a rack

023: genre on fire

022: Gynty The Roo

021: the feeling is bittersweet and vertiginous

020: the aim is always to do Hyperballad on paper

019: get to Mount Doom and win.

018: what time is love?

017: Greg Pak For Food

016: awesome angry Scots

015: a little ray of silly joy in hell

013: better existent sources

012: Aren't you exactly the right size for a miniature?

011: speederbikes powered by an irrepressible trumpet

010: a WicDiv Coffeeshop AU is rudely disrupted.